Documentary F
“Gimiro’s drawing, titled “Documentary F,” is a captivating artwork that delves into the depths of human identity and the mysteries that lie within. Through a skillful blend of symbolism and artistic technique, the drawing invites viewers to unravel its hidden meanings and contemplate the complexities of personal narratives.
The focal point of the drawing is the face of the artist’s lover, an intimate portrayal that exudes both vulnerability and intrigue. However, it is the middle part of her face, precisely where her eyes should be, that immediately catches the viewer’s attention. This section is rendered to appear as if it has been torn off from a sheet of paper. The deliberate act of ripping suggests a disruption, an intentional breach in the surface, and hints at the existence of concealed layers beneath.
Beneath the torn layer, a second drawn layer emerges, revealing a remarkable transformation. The artist renders the lover’s eyes in a manner reminiscent of the intricate wave patterns found on printed money. This choice infuses the artwork with a sense of mystery and adds symbolic weight to the narrative. It suggests that the lover possesses a hidden wealth of knowledge or a concealed world, mirroring the enigmatic allure of currency itself.
Behind the lover, an extensive text unfolds, comprising Russian words. However, the artist has purposely typed the text in Russian, limiting its comprehension to those who can read the language. This act of linguistic exclusivity accentuates the secretive nature of the artwork and reinforces the idea that hidden truths and personal revelations are contained within its pages. The text becomes a key to unlock the underlying message of the drawing, reserved for those who possess the necessary knowledge and curiosity to decipher its secrets.
The drawing “Documentary F” symbolically explores the theme of hidden personalities and the potential existence of a double life. The torn layer and the hidden eyes beneath serve as metaphors for concealed aspects of the artist’s identity, suggesting that he carries undisclosed depths and intricate complexities that are not immediately apparent.
Original drawing
The frame is an old frame bought in a thrift store
Handdrawn with pen on white drawing paper 110
Size 48 x 69 cm
Size frame 60 x 80 cm
Hand-signed by the artist
June 27, 2023