“The drawing titled “Disrepair” by Gimiro is a thought-provoking and emotional artwork that depicts the faces of two lifelong friends. The first man in the front is looking down towards the ground with a solemn expression on his face. His eyes appear to be lost in deep thought, suggesting that he might be going through a tough time. The second man in the back, on the other hand, is looking straight into the viewer’s eyes. His face is marked with worry lines, indicating that he is concerned about his friend’s state of mind.
The artist has used an impeccable sense of detail to bring out the emotions on the two men’s faces. From the wrinkles around their eyes to the frown lines on their foreheads, the faces in the drawing perfectly capture the struggle that the two friends might be going through. The contrast between the two men’s expressions, with one looking down and the other looking up, adds to the emotional weight of the artwork.
One of the striking features of the drawing is the use of shadow and light to create a sense of depth and contrast. The dark and brooding shadows that surround the first man create a sense of isolation and despair, suggesting that he might be going through a difficult time. In contrast, the light shining on the second man’s face suggests hope and optimism.
The title of the artwork, “Disrepair,” seems to imply that the friendship between the two men has gone through a period of turmoil. Perhaps they have experienced a falling out, or maybe they are struggling to cope with external factors that are affecting their relationship. The drawing seems to suggest that even the closest of friendships can have their hard times, and that hard choices must sometimes be made in order to repair the damage.”
Original drawing
The frame is an old frame bought in a thrift store
Handdrawn with pen on white drawing paper 110
Size 25 x 30 cm
Size frame 40 x 54 cm
Hand-signed by the artist
January 20, 2023